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 Some Ancient Necropsy Reviews published by some of the world's most specialized metal music critics.  
 Algunas reseñas publicadas por la crítica especializada mundial.
(Lamentablemente perdí una gran cantidad de recortes en los cuáles se habla del trabajo de Ancient Necropsy. Sin embargo, pude rescatar algunos).

Ancient Necropsy es catalogada por multiples magazines, como una de las mejores bandas de metal colombiano
Ancient Necropsy top 10 Colombian death metal Bloodstock fest uk
 Ancient Necropsy CD 2003 Review
 (Review by a Japanese webzine 2003)
ANCIENT NECROPSY "ANCIENT NECROPSY" さて、今月いちばんの珍品です。 コロンビア発のブルタルデス/ブラックメタル。デビューアルバム。オマケに独りでやってます。熱いというよりとにかく暑いサウンド。 たまにリズム音が南米っぽい?というか、とりあえず部族の民謡っぽいフレーズが出てきて笑いますけど、質そのものは悪くないと思います。一体何者なんだと思いますけど、アメリカ産ブルタルデスに引けをとっていません。音の面でも獰猛さでも。 曲名も9曲目みたいに正直やなぁと微笑ましく思うようなのもあれば、「その語は英語でそう書くのか」と非常に勉強になった7曲目など、やっぱり他とはちょっと違いますね。歌は徹底して「ごごごごごごごごごごご」と吠えてるだけですが、演奏そのものは非常にしっかりしてます。 オフィシャルサイトhttp://ancientnecropsy.i8.comではこのIVANCIENTなる人物の紹介もありますが、趣味は"WEB-DESIGN"ですって。非常に見やすいデザインもきっとこのIVANCIENTさんの手によるものでしょう。ハダカのねいちゃんも大好きとか言ってますね。 とりあえず、ANAL CUNTあたりに対してもっと長い曲聴かせてくれ!と言いたいファンは必聴でございます。 (NOV.2003)

Ancient Necropsy MTV
Ancient Necropsy reviews
 Review by (China), 2012.
Ancient Necropsy的艺人档案
这是这支来自哥伦比亚的单人鼓机BRUTAL DEATH乐队。说到哥伦比亚,我们不能不提另外两支同是来自该国的BRUTAL DEATH劲旅-Internal Suffering与Purulent,而与这两支乐队几乎从头到尾光速的类似DISGORGE、BRODEQUIN一样的雷霆万钧般的死亡音乐不同的是:在ANCIENT NECROPSY的身上我们更能嗅到德州/伊州乐队的味道,大量的缓重的中、慢速小节搀杂于光速的整体节奏中,凹凸立体感异常强烈。与Internal Suffering的深喉真嗓GUTTURAL唱腔及Purulent的吹哨式唱腔不同的是,ANCIENT NECROPSY采用了类似于蛙鸣般的GUTTURAL唱腔,"哇哇"、"呱呱"声响彻一片。另外,与上面两支乐队稍有区别的是,ANCIENT NECROPSY的歌曲中有时会出现一些很旋律的细腻的处理,有一些SOLO还相当"动听"。说到一人BRUTAL DEATH乐队,我们当然会想到来自美国的PUTRID PILE,与PUTRID PILE的那张"COLLECTION OF BUTCHERY"相比,ANCIENT NECROPSY无论是在吉它演奏的复杂程度、细节的处理上,还是在鼓机的编排及录音厚重的效果上还是有一定的差距的。当然,一张非常出色的BRUTAL DEATH作品完全出自一人之手这个事实的本身就足以令人敬佩不已了!
 Review by Miss Bomb - BloodStock Radio (United Kingdom) 2013.
These guys wasted no time in getting out to shows, no sooner than they formed back in 1998. Their sound of today is tight, guttural  smooth tempo changes and could be referred to as the Colombian Cannibal Corpse, with bite.
 Ancient Necropsy - Sanctuary Beyond The Infinite
 Review by By (cz Republic WebZine) 2011.
Iv Ancient a jeho Ancient Necropsy patří v současnosti k jedné z předních kapel kolumbijské scény, kterým se dostalo nemalého uznání i ve světě a tohle je jejich čtvrtá deska, která vychází obdobně jako debut u našich NTEY Records.
Pro ty, kdo s touhle cháskou ještě neměli tu čest, lehce nastíním, jak se věci mají. Ivan je magor co si veškerou muziku tvoří sám a rovněž i multiinstrumentalista, co si vše sám nahraje včetně živých bicích. Za to tedy klobouk dolů. Co ovšem vidím jako problém, je to že si i vše nahrává ve svém domácím studiu. Což se hlavně podepsalo na zvuku této poslední nahrávky. Ne že by byl zvuk vyloženě špatný, ale kdyby bylo nazvučení nástrojů krapet odlišné a celkový zvuk nahrávky ne tak zahuhlaný, bylo by tohle dílko poslouchat jedna radost. Ivan si dává hodně záležet na kytarových linkách, které jsou opravdu pestré a instrumentálně hodně vysoko, ovšem jejich problém je, že se poněkud ztrácejí v onom zahuhlaném lomozu. S přibývajícími poslechy jsem si na zvuk sice vcelku zvyknul, ale i tak to mohlo být prostě lepší. Pokud se budeme zabývat hudební složkou, tak Ivan se s touto deskou dostal někam na pomezí mezi Insidious Decrepancy, co se stylu a hudebního vzezření týče a Necrophagist, odkud si bere hlavně onu technickou nabubřelost s kterou, ale umí velmi dobře pracovat. Pokud budu tuhle desku hodnotit v kontextu celé tvorby Ancient Necropsy, rozhodně se jedná o jejich hudebně nejvyspělejší a nejpropracovanější dílo, které ovšem sráží ona zvuková nevyváženost. Pokud Ivanovi jeho zápal vydrží a krom technické stránky věci mákne příště i řádně na zvuku, bude to pecka. Tentokrát to má za sedmičku.
Interpret: Ancient Necropsy
Název titulu: Sanctuary Beyond The Infinite
Datum vydání: 2011
Vydavatel: Nice To Eat You Records
Formát nosiče: CD
Hrací doba: 27:09
Počet skladeb: 10
Země původu: Kolumbie
Ancient Necropsy Finland
 Review by  Inconsistency The Blog: (EEUU) 
Rating: 4.5 / 5 (june 2012).
You know what? I've been trying to find a way to start this review in my usual “desperately trying to be funny” style for two weeks now, and I haven't found a single way to do it that would make any sense. I honestly can't find anything to bring up and occupy two paragraphs with. There isn't all that much to make this album stand out. Other people don't appear to like it much, meanwhile I find it excellent. But then I set out to invent combinations of words that would prove Sanctuary Beyond The Infinite... to be worthwhile, and I can't. The truth is that what we have here is an okay release that for some reason is way beyond okay.

You know that first completely obscure band you found on Bandcamp, whose album you listened to once, thought “hey, these guys are really good” and then never listened to ever again? That's exactly what SBTI... resembles. Nondescript album cover, nondescript production and a few ellipses thrown into the track titles for further nondescriptiveness. I especially like the way the instrumental intro, and a good one at that, is called “The Absolute Truth About...”. It gives you a sense of connection between the first track and the second, like if they were the two movements of the musical composition entitled “The Absolute Truth About Limited Golden Keys To The Paradise”. My theories for what that means are that either “Absolute Truth About Ltd.” is a fictional company whose product is a gold plated bong in the shape of a key, or that the lyrics are a PSA about drugs.

Anyway, the most important element in this whole endeavor is the music. It is a concoction that bonds the fast pace and the linear/insane structures of the technical school of brutal death metal with strong sense of progression and riffing that exhibits very melodic tendencies. This sound is good. I like it very much. It is epic. But, to keep with the Bandcamp analogy, that is really all you get from second track to last. No contrasts, no interesting conflicting ideas, only very slight album progression. “The Epitaph Of The Phoenix Arising” lets out a hint at its intentions as a closer, what with having a rather different guitar and drum sound, not to mention a very “final song”-ish section in the middle, but it would have also been perfectly logical if the album were to continue afterwards.

This means that SBTI... relies almost entirely on the strength of the riffs, and that mostly depends on preference. I understand why one wouldn't like what Ivancient is doing regarding the guitar acrobatics on this album: it is kind of generic and pretty simplistic at times, and isn't always that effective. But I am really fond of the riffs, mainly because within the context they give the songs a sense of epicity that is not found in most music. That is also practically the only reason I like this album so much.

I have to remind at this point that we are discussing a sound that is almost guaranteed to fail. You need to have a strong sense of self control and musical maturity to pull it off. Add one detail too many and the whole thing comes crashing down. Don't add enough details, and you succumb into being just another stereotypical Bandcamp act. Just the achievement that is having created  9 songs + 1 of this kind that are neither boring nor terribly jarring justifies giving this one a spin. Let alone the fact that half of these songs are close to perfection, in my opinion. And opinion is really what will make or break this release for a listener. I personally adore it. If you give it a listen and hate it, I perfectly understand.

That is all I had to say. I don't know why I couldn't write it two weeks earlier.

Standout tracks:
Lost At The Eternal Space
Altar Of Fire
Sanctuary Beyond The Infinite
Epitaph Of The Phoenix Arising
 Review by Lords of metal (Holland).
waardoor Ivan genoodzaakt was op eigen houtje de band voort te zetten. Als eerste werd de bandnaam veranderd in Ancient Necropsy omdat er al talloze Asgards op deze aardbol rond plegen te lopen. In 2001 werd de eerste demo getiteld 'Demonstrations Of Madness And Hate' uitgebracht die in 2003 werd opgevolgd door het titelloze debuutalbum. Vandaag de dag is Ivan terug met zijn tweede cd via Goregiastic Records en alhoewel Ivan in live situaties gebruik maakt van een sessiedrummer, is hij op deze cd verantwoordelijk voor het inspelen van alle instrumenten, de zang, het schrijven van alle nummers en ook nog eens een keer het hoesontwerp. 'Deformed King's Mummification' bevat elf hele ranzige nummers die zeer aantrekkelijk zullen zijn voor hen die zweren bij de gore death-grind van onder andere Deeds Of Flesh en Necrophagist. Ik vind zelfs elementen terug van O.L.D.'s klassieke elpee 'Old Lady Drivers'. Zweer je niet bij zulk soort bands, is het verstandig hier met je fikken vanaf te blijven.
 Ancient Necropsy - Apocalyptic Empire
review by slime minded (usa) - Saturday, December 1, 2007
What we have here is the latest album by Colombian deathgrind act
Ancient Necropsy which consists of only one man, the multi-talented
Ivancient a.k.a Ivan Jaramilla, who performs every instrument and does
the vocals on this album. Very impressive if you ask me.If you already like Ancient Necropsy you can stop reading now and go buy
the album. It is everything you liked about the band before, but with
slightly better production and songwriting. For those who haven't heard
the band before continue on.The riffs here are mainly fast and melodic tremolo riffs. However these
are not your sappy Scandinavian melodic riffs, these are more in the
epic and obscure variety, somewhat like Deeds of Flesh. These are more
interesting and evocative than catchy. You will not confuse these with
melodeath riffs in anyway. In my opinion these interesting riffs are
what make Ancient Necropsy so good. Besides these riffs you can some
typical pinch harmonic and power chord riffs to keep the brutality
levels high.The rest of the instrumentation is pretty good, especially considering
that this is all done by one person. The drum sound, with it's loud,
pinging snare reminds me of a lot of the other Colombian bands, such as
Amputated Genitals or Goretrade. The bass is not a prominent part of
this album and the vocals could be a little better, but this is metal,
and it's more about the guitar riffs, which as I mentioned earlier are
really great.So if you like Ancient Necropsy, get this, it's everything that made
this band great in the past, done slightly better. If you want an
interesting and unique album that keeps its heft and brutality, get this
as well.
 (Review by cz republic magazine) Vydáno dne 14. 11. 2007 (24 pr(ec(tení)
S kolumbijskou cháskou Ancient Necropsy jsem se prvne( setkal v roce
2003, kdy mi Diego z Mutilated Records pou--te(l s nad--ením jejich promo
CD se slovy, --e je to jedna z nejlep--ích kolumbijských kapel. CD jsem si
tehdy s chutí vyposlechl a musel dát Diegovi c(ástec(ne( za pravdu.
Nejednalo se sice o nic extra originálního, ale byl to r(ádnej sypec do
kebule a popravde( krom Purulent, Internal Suffering a Carnal jsem
tehdy --ádnou jinou kolumbijskou kapelu neznal.
Od té doby uplynuli c(tyr(i roky a Ancienit Necropsy se ope(t hlásí o
slovo s ji-- tr(etím CD.
Novinka Apocalyptic Empire nepr(iná--í oproti svým dvou star--ím
bratr(íc(ku*m nic extra nového. Ivan (jinak taky jediný c(len A.N.) si
svu*j styl jasne( vytýc(il ji-- na stejnojmenném debutu a zde u-- jen
piluje svu*j um. Apocalyptic Empire je nesmlouvavá r(e-- brutálního
death/grindu na americký zpu*sob se spoustou kytarových kudrlinek a
vyhrávek, které sice nedosahují kvalit nedosti--ných Necrophagist, jak by
si Ivan zr(ejme( pr(ál, ale oproti ve(t--ine( podobných kapel v tomhle
ranku to je aspon( ne(jaké osve(--ení a vytahuje to nahrávku z lehké
monotónnosti. Jenom --koda zvuku, který je klasicky kolumbijský a pu*sobí
tedy krapet jako vysavac(. Kdyby byl zvuk c(itelne(j--í a
srozumitelne(j--í hned by ona kytarová masturbace dostala dal--í rozme(r a
nahrávka by získala cenné body navíc. --koda.
Nec(ekejte tedy --ádný zázrak, ale pokud jste si oblíbili pr(ede--lé
poc(iny tohoto Kolumbijského nezmara a nebo jste s tímto projektem
je--te( neme(li co do c(ine(ní je Apocalyptic Empire tou nejlep--í volbou.
PS. Obal se ope(t nepovedl, ale to u-- je asi úde(l téhle bandy.
Ganay (6,75/10)
interpret: Ancient Necropsy
název titulu: Apocalyptic Empire
datum vydání: 2007
vydavatel: Mutilated Records
formát nosic(e: CD
hrací doba: 34:36
poc(et skladeb: 15
zeme( pu*vodu: Kolumbie

 Review Por extreme Music  - España
 Review by CORE AND CO. (France).
ANCIENT NECROPSY nous vient des limbes de l'underground Colombien.
Accrochez-vous à vos chaussettes, ce nouvel album est un gros pavé de Brutal Death Metal ultra compact et technique.
Si vous êtes branché Brutal Blasting Death à la sauce USUG, il y a fort à parier pour que cette galette vous fasse grimper au rideau!
Ce one-man band s'adonne au gros Death Metal suffocant typé DEEDS OF FLESH, BRUTUS, PYAEMIA et compagnie...
Du Blast de A à Z, des grunts qui me font penser à un mélange DEVILIUM / DISGORGE.
Ce Cd se compose de 11 titres (dont une intro vaguement NILE-esque) bâtis sur tout ce qui peut se faire de plus rapide et de brutöl en matière de Death "moderne".
Bref, un album qui a tout pour plaire aux fans inconditionnels d'Ultra Brutal Blasting Death Metal. Au fil de ces 11 titres, on sent une légère touche "Evil". Ainsi, pense-t-on à des groupes tels qu'HATE ETERNAL ou DAMNABLE.
Mais, il y a un mais... Ce genre de stuffs est, certes, efficace mais pas original pour un kopek! Il existe une flopée des groupes de ce genre, et, mis à part son petit coté "Evil"; ce "Deformed King's Mummification" est assez banal... voire fadasse.
Tout ce qu'on retient de cette galette est qu'on assiste à une avalanche de riffs techniques comparables à du NECROPHAGIST et du blast à fond les ballons... Un album qui s'oublie aussi vite qu'il s'écoute.
Bref, un bon album au demeurant.
 Review by DISAGREEMENT WEB ZINE (Germany).
Anybody who sees that this album was released on Goregiastic knows that the chances are high that we get another Colombian death metal assault. Ancient Necropsy is not a band though, but the project of a guy named Ivan who played all the instruments and also did the artwork for the album. I don't know if the drums are programmed or actually played by Ivan himself, but if the latter is the case, he must have used some heavy triggering. Deformed King's Mummification is a very extreme death metal album, the ten songs plus intro are hammered down in a short half hour, with the drums setting a serious pace and the grunting vocals giving the music is a true American East Coast sound. The guitars are played with a lot of technical finesse, which should make this album a good investment for friends of music like Dying Fetus, Suffocation and Immolation. The main problem is the production, with the vocals somehow hovering over the mix, and the constant pressure of speed making it truly hard to enjoy the intelligent guitars the way they deserve. This is still a good album, a bit on the short and fast side maybe, but certainly one that deserves to find its admirers.
 Review by Рецензия на альбом «Apocalyptic Empire» 2007 RUSSIA
Пусть и с очевидным запозданием, радарам Brutal Carnage все-таки удалось запеленговать координаты и вычислить траекторию полета вражеского штурмовика ANCIENT NECROPSY. Навстречу ему нами было выслано звено перехватчиков, которые успешно справились со своей задачей и, взяв его в жесточайшие клещи, посадили в нашем расположении, после чего соответствующие спецслужбы изучили "Apocapyptic Empire" на предмет заявленной техничности, брутальности и прочих экстремальных параметров и характеристик. Согласно полученным данным проведенной экспертизы, стафф оказался одномоторным колумбийским ночным истребителем, пилотируемым летчиком по имени Ivan Jaramillo, отзывающемся на позывные "Ivancient". Запущен он был с военизированной базы Mutilated records в 2007 году с преступной целью распространения брутальной заразы (пропитанной душком забористого кокаина) по всему миру.
Всю работу по записи и реализации материала "Apocalyptic Empire" Иван единолично взвалил на свои худые плечи и героически попытался разрулить ситуацию «в одного». Фонтан его композиторской мысли при желании можно заткнуть дамским мизинчиком, именно поэтому ни одна из пятнадцати композиций, представленных на диске, не переваливает через трехминутную отметку собственной продолжительности. Альбом открывает загадочное клавишное интро, сопровождаемое могильным войсом и прочими потусторонними звуками, после чего короткими очередями колумбийский экстремист расстреливает в нас четырнадцать обойм-сонгов хаотического дэт-металла, обильно приправленного лирикой мистической направленности. Композиции имеют достаточно разнообразную структуру, при всей своей жестокости они не лишены мелодического привкуса – и это главное достоинство "Apocalyptic Empire".
К сожалению, запись материала имеет существенные огрехи. Если вокал и ритм-секция вполне соответствуют общепринятым UG-стандартам, то шепелявый саунд безбожно песочащих гитар на корню убивает мой энтузиазм и не позволяет начислить ANCIENT NECROPSY оценку больше трех баллов. Абсолютно непростительная оплошность, которая пришлась бы впору какому-нибудь подпольному самиздатовскому cd-r релизу, но отнюдь не продукту, сошедшему с профессионального конвейера такого флагмана колумбийской сцены, как Mutilated records. Фактически автор сам похоронил свое детище, а посему винить в этом ему уже некого. Досадный прокол, по причине которого релиз автоматически попадает в категорию «только для фэнов». Если вас не пугают такие мелочи, как отсутствие вменяемого качественного звука, то на свой страх и риск можете приобщиться к "Apocalyptic Empire", всем остальным советую сэкономить десятку зелени на более слушабельный стафф.
 Review by No Mercy Zine (ALGERIA)
Ancient necropsy is an exelent Colombian one man band of Ivan Jaramillo (real name) he makes powerful Ultra Brutal Death Metal/ Grind In 2007 ancient necropsy has released the great and the unbelievable Apocalyptic Empire but how just one man can do all this apocalyptical work good blast beat excellent fast guitar riffs this one man band is a better drummer and a better guitarist than several other bands of death metal and I noticed that Apocalyptical Empire is done without playing bass guitar and I have noticed that many sick bands are playing without bass the guitar players are playing so heavily. Ivancient is exactly this kind of guitar player , Ivan's vocals are mixture of guttural influences and growls for exemple Insidious Decrepancy, Disembowled Corpse………… And finely my critique of the CD is about the recording certainly it was recording in a home studio but in any case it was recorded in an amateur method I think that Ivan can do great project all alone at that time one man band or with another members .
Review by VAMPIRE MAGAZINE, (Netherlands). 
According to the info sheet I got with this CD, Ancient Necropsy`s second album. Deformed King´s Mummification is going to be released by Goregiastic Records in December 2004. But I already have a promo of this album that has the potential to end up high in several year lists. I am really curious about what Ivan Jaramillo eats everyday. Listening to Ancient Necropsy .Deformed King´s Mummification I suppose that it must be a combination of Colombian spicy food combined with some illegal branded alcohol. Besides the vocals, Ivan is also responsible for playing all the instruments on this album, just as he was on the debut album of Ancient Necropsy. I must say he did a great job and he`s an excellent skilled musician. Musically the music isn`t easy to listen to at all. Several times I had to listen to this album before it got me. But when it got me, some songs kept on playing in my mind over and over again, especially the amazing killer riff at the beginning of Profaning The Temple Of Bones. Like the early nineties blackmetal was invented in Columbia! But of course Ancient Necropsy isn`t playing blackmetal, but deathmetal in the most brutal way you can imagine. With a song title like "Invoking The Brutal Death Grind Throne" Ivan explains it to us all. "Bend The Head Because You Will Be Beheaded" and the title song of this album "Deformed King`s Mummification (The War Has Begun)" are giving me that real underground deathmetal feeling. So, if you don` t know what to ask to from Santa, put this album on your list.

Deformemd king´s Mummification Review 2004
 Review by Pitchline zine (Spain).
Nueva entrega de las aventuras de Iván "Ivancient" Jaramillo con su proyecto en solitario. Sus dos álbumes anteriores ya fueron de lo mejor de la escena colombiana, y su nueva grabación no nos decepciona tampoco. La orientación de las composiciones es similar, pero están más elaboradas que antes y hay más énfasis en las melodías que consiguen ese toque épico tan característico. Que nadie tema, sigue habiendo brutalidad suficiente para que te entren ganas de rebanarle el cuello a tu vecino con un machete y luego usar éste para follar a su hermana. Los puntos débiles son los de siempre. Un sonido de guitarra un tanto guarro, que aunque no distrae, nos hace pensar en cómo sonaría el disco con una producción más "pro". Por cierto, no creo que ser el único miembro de una banda te autorice moralmente a saturar el libreto de fotos tuyas, es realmente narcisista.
Ancient Necropsy, Música death metal colombiano.

Ancient Necropsy por (Perú).
Banda nacida en 1998 bajo el nombre de Asgard, pero dos años después se cambió de nombre a que se conoce. Y desde esa fecha la banda no para en hacer producciones desde su primera demostración “Demonstration of Madness and Hate” (2002) y luego el gran hito en su carrera “Ancient Necropsy” (2003). Un disco que dice completamente como iba a ser el camino de Iván Jaramillo, único integrante para las grabaciones de la banda y de todos sus álbumes, pero para tocar en vivo usa más personas, porque aún recuerdo que los vi en país hace 19 años cuando estaban promocionando su primer álbum e intercambié algunas palabras con Iván mientras íbamos a su hotel a altas horas de la noche después de su concierto. Donde hablamos de la escena brutal y muchas otras cosas. Entonces, hasta el día este primer disco fue una metralleta en mi cabeza, porque en vivo y en disco fue atronador; y lo que paso discos después mantienen este nivel de la banda y lo mejoran.

 Review by BRUTALISM WEB ZINE: (Holland)
2nd Album from this Colombian raging madness. After his previous album with devastating tracks Ancient Necropsy is going a step further. Tracks that are filled with low gutteral vocals, freaky guitarriffing and non compromising drums. Again no fancy work but fast and furious death metal with a technical touch. Melody can be found in the guitarriffs and for the rest you have to jump in full gear.
 By Inconsistency The Blog: Rating: 4/5 (EEUU)
Imagine that you have a child, and that this child has made a drawing. They hand you their work. You glance at it, mumble a "That's a very nice drawing of a squiggle, child" and doom it to the Fridge Door of Negligence. You choose the magnet with the perfect enormousness to weakness ratio, so as to increase the likelihood that the magnet will fall off, and to ensure that as much of the drawing as possible is not visible while it hasn't. But just as you're about to stick the printer paper onto the door, where it can be forgotten forever, you suddenly notice that the drawing is actually of an artistic quality comparable to the likes of Michelangelo or da Vinci. That's a plausible allegory for the first experience of listening to Apocalyptic Empire.
All the elements appear to indicate your stumbling upon a relentless onslaught of pedestrian brutal death metal that is here to bore you for approximately twice as long as a usual album of the genre. Before anything else, you are indifferently greeted by a cover that is as unimpressive as it's confusing as hell. I wonder where Ivancient, the sole member of this project, got the idea that a castle that is actually a disintegrating space rocket that is actually a volcano would make for good cover art. Then, you are prepared by an introduction that is more reminiscent of the 80s than the 80s themselves. When the actual music starts, you notice that the production makes everything sound either like processed farts or like processed cooking pots, or like a mixture of the two. The music is nothing special at first either. You have two thin guitars that usually play the same lead, backed by a tupperware drumset. And they spend the songs just skimming through sections with no obvious progression, meanwhile the dynamics are entirely up to the listener's imagination.
But as you dig deeper into the album's nature, some order begins to reveal itself. Something that is not too dissimilar from the notion of song structure becomes noticeable and the guitar exercises used instead of riffs morph into actual riffs. The style of riffing used kind of resembles a more BDM version of The Chasm, interspersed with a unique style of going up and down scales really fast, about one experimental moment per 5 minutes, and a few rare tinges of Lykathea Aflame. If songs were people, the structure of the average song from this album would be what you'd get if all humans mysteriously disappeared and aliens tried to reconstitute what a human looked like with only a toothbrush and a sock as reference.
With these elements, Ancient Necropsy has accomplished the feat of making a surprisingly great album. A very rickety balance between memorability and confusion is kept pretty consistently and the gargantuan length of the album actually works in its favor. The subtle contrast between the first half and the second results in a very rewarding experience as well. The first half mostly experiments with virtually unfollowable structures and aims at destroying rewind buttons. Meanwhile the second is far more straightforward and linear, focusing more on quality riffing. When I say subtle, though, I mean very subtle, like the difference between a bald person and a bald person after they got a haircut. The entire album is confusing and convoluted, and the experience is a 35 minute journey through Whatthehellisgoingonville that offers no chance to take a breath. If you want to make sense of the journey, I wish you luck. I took 6 months to kind of accomplish just that. It was totally worth it, though.
Standout tracks:
Malignant Matters Collapse
Ridiculous Preacher
Injured by Extrasensorial Communication
Undethronement of Inner Power
Old Man Decrepit Frozen
Master Of Knowledge
Review by Mike Encyclopeida Metallum
The other night I found myself watching the story of "The 750 Pound Man" on TV with distorted fascination. Viewing his giant rolls and skin lesions made me sick, but kept my attention morbidly intoxicated. More egregious was listening to that bedridden pile of lard pudding whimper when faced with a salad for dietary dinner, "No, I wanna hamburger." I continued to scrutinize each image of that indolent sloth till I was reveling in the fact that he was going to die. My mind was engrossed in images of his tiny heart thundering laboriously to pump blood to his gigantic body until it finally said, "Fuck it" and imploded. Then it hit me, looking at the 750 pound slob was the same as hearing Ancient Necropsy' album "Deformed King's Mummification. Ancient Necropsy sucks you into its convoluted layers of Brutal Death Metal and crushes you as if you where in the deepest crevice of filthy fat in the 750 pound man. You can not help but turn the music up until you are falling on your knees in rapture due to the audio molestation that feels as good as sadomasochism. Flurries of guitar riffs that seem almost too technically chaotic find a cohesion thereby sending the listener into a zone of retard style punches, and kicks. Unearthly bass reverberates with the power of a cannonade barrage and vocals are subterranean making it sound like Ivan shoved the microphone into his lower intestines, then began bellowing with the cord sticking out of his throat. Primitive but professional drumming ripe with fills, double bass, blast beats, whirling fists and feet lobotomize the listener of anything less intense. Probably the most insane thing about Ancient Necropsy' musicianship on this recording is that it all done by Ivan. Yeah, you read it right, ONE-FUCKING-GUY!!!! Metal fans I do not know what it is about Columbia that produces this much anger, but bands like Ancient Necropsy have me drooling like an insatiable cocaine addict. Fuck, if the 750 pound man would have been listening to "Deformed Kings Mummification" he would be about 105 pounds cause it is impossible not to mosh when playing this disc. Now, here is some extra good news for you fans that are ready to run out and buy this disc due to yet another inspirational review from yours truly. Goregiastic Records is going to be re-releasing Ancient Necropsy' "Deformed Kings Mummification" in a disc that will also have their "Demonstration of Madness & Hate" demo, and an unreleased track. This means that the re-release will have 19 total songs, new cover artwork, and a fresh layout. Stay tuned to Goregiastic Records for the release date, and keep your fucking eyes open for the new Ancient Necropsy album Apocalyptic Empire due out this year.
 Review by HORRIBLE CREATION Extreme Music Media (INDONESIA).
This attacking musick is from Colombia with only one member, Ivan, who handled by himself all that related with Ancient Necropsy beginning with lyric, vocall pattern, instruments till art work, what an ego band??? For our local metal freaks would not be interest on it…a geniously guitar riffs and almost technically made his musick variative and avoid bored things. Putrid Aromatherapy (Traumatic Feelings Of The Widow Queen) and Profaning The Temple Of Bones are songs that I like!! Wish he had a drummer not a programming…it's clearly will make perfect his insane musicality and hope there will be a lot of improve to compensate a quality guitar riffs that Ivan made…Salute to Ivan who created a great complexities musick even the member only 1 piece…(Andry S)*this review also appeared in Horrible Creation Magz Chapter 2.
Review by "Death Metal Eternal Zine 2003 (FRANCE).
ANCIENT NECROPSY (COL) CD 2003 Nice To eat You-Mutilated. Seems that since INTERNAL SUFFERING got some success, a new wave of Colombian bands are popping up with the same occult brutality, if you like this kind you might like ANCIENT NECROPSY as it's very very very similar to INTERNAL SUFFERING.
C/o Goregiastic Records 42-43 Ithaca Street Apt 4 C Elmhurst, NY 11373 USA.
 Review by Japanesse zine review Made in 2006
コロンビア出身のブルータルデスメタルバンドの1STアルバム。 ヴォーカル、ギター、ベース、ドラムを一人でこなすワンマンバンド。 発売当時、コロンビア産というだけで調査無しに冒険で速攻ゲットしたとして記憶している一品。バンドロゴもジャケもしょぼいからどうせB級以下だろうと思ってたけど、、、当たった! ギターパートにコロンビア産の趣は無く少々異質だが、強烈なガテラルヴォイスとマシン並みの超高速ブラストが炸裂。このシックさはまさにコロンビアンである。 ワンマンブルータルデスメタルバンドとしては、INSIDIOUS DECREPANCYやKATAPLEXIAなど居るには居るけど、一人でこれだけの事をやるとなるとミュージシャンその人の才能と技術があってのこと。ここに登場したANCIENT NECROPSYことIVANCIENT氏も一目置く存在になりそうです。 ヴォーカルは、強烈無比!なんじゃこのガテラルヴォイスはとつっこみたくなるぐらい強烈なガテラル垂れ流し。ゴヴォゴヴォ、グヴェグヴェと低音を強調させた咆哮含み系ガテラルヴォイスです。 ギターは、基本的にはグネグネに歪ませたギャンギャン、グネグネパートを主軸にジリジリ感のあるノイジータイプに仕上げているが、音楽性から完全に外れた脳天気ハイテク流暢パートをピロピロピロ~と飛び込ませたり、派手なメロディアスソロを入れ込んだりと、シックな雰囲気から逸脱させたニュータイプなギターワークも特徴ですね。 ドラムは、マシンなのかな?でなきゃこんな高速で正確なドラミングは人間業では無理でしょうね。マシンであるとかプログラミングであるとかの表記は全く無いです。だから人力ドラムかもしれません。しかしなんという速さのブラストでしょう。バスドラムのドンドン・・・という重低音と、タタタ・・・という空き缶スネアブラストが気持ち良いです。 #10は1:57で一旦曲が終わってしばらく無音状態が続き、4:21からシークレットトラック開始。オーディエンスの歓声と共に別曲が始まります。こりゃ最高っす。 コロンビア好きは買え買え買え~な一品。 Review 2006/8/18
 Review by DEATHMETAL.DE (GERMANY) 2003.
Exzellent, viel mehr Worten bedarf es nicht die Cd zu beschreiben. Man nehme Brodequin, eine kleine Portion Disgorge (US) und vermenge es mit einigen Dying Fetus Parts und fertig ist das Ancient Necropsy Output. Das Soloprojekt dieses Kolumbianischen Sickos ist aber keineswegs ein Abklatsch der Szenegrößen, denn er versteht es auch gekonnt ruhiger anmutende Gitarrenparts einzubauen.
Schlagzeugmäßig wurde ein Mördersound kreiert. Die Drums zertrümmern mit unglaublicher Geschwindkeit alles, was sich ihm in den Weg stellt. Gitarrentechnisch sind vor allem einige wirklich gelungene Sweepingeinlagen zu erwähnen, die doch szeneuntypisch sind.
Covergestalterisch ist es auch ein sehr ansprechendes Werk, welches sich von der Breiten Masse der Goregrindbands abhebt. Erschienen ist das ganze auf dem Neulingslabel "Nice to eat you Records", welches Vladimir von Fleshless betreibt.
Die Qualität dieser Compact Disc lässt wirklich nicht auf ein Soloprojekt schließen, da jedes Instrument wirklich in Szene gesetzt wurde. Einziger Kritikpunkt: Die etwas mangelhaften Texte(Grammatik)
Für Prügelknaben und die, die es w
erden wollen PFLICHT!
 Review by Brutalism Radio zine (NETHERLANDS) 2007.
The Columbian singer/guitarist/drummer Ivancient has released another CD. He has one other and has a track on a Mortician Tribute called, conveniently, A TRIBUTE TO MORTICIAN. I did not make a mistake. One man does all this work, and work it is. Ancient Necropsy is a brutally powerful project headed by one man named Ivan Jaramillo (real name). He plays everything in the studio but has a drummer to join him live. On his Myspace link, he has a You Tube Video made for his fans to watch him play guitar. Fans of talent-metal will want to watch him play and support his music in the same way. He is real riffer (Or, rather, one who plays fast and slicing metal-guitar riffs). APOCALYPTIC EMPIRE marks a work from the new metal scene making due out there with no bass player. I have realized that some of today's most sick bands are playing sans bass because the guitar players are playing so heavily. Ivancient is exactly this kind of guitar player. Another awesome example is Pulmonary Fibrosis. I do not want to see the bass go obsolete, but these guys are doing fine without them.
Ivancient's vox are definitely twisted growls, and certainly are guttural influenced, but they are not quite as low as the most sick guttural examples (Cutterred Flesh and Disembowled Corpse). They sound more like they are carried by air and less by throat control. Also, I assume that on tracks such as "Enthroned At The Apocalyptic Empire" that Ivancient is layers his voice over his voice recorded at a different time because there are some seconds in that cool track that seem kind of harmonized within the sick growl structure (if such a thing as harmony in said context is possible). I might be wrong about his use of technology in the recording process and would kindly appreciate an e-mail from Ivan to clarify it for me. The track right after "Enthroned At The Apocalyptic Empire" is called "Ridiculous Preacher" and this track displays terribly powerful riffing. The vocals are extant of course but the take up far less of the whole song because the guitar dominates.
My main critique of the CD is that even though Ivan is a real talent in the genre, the CD also sounds like it was recorded in an amateur method in that the drums are rather too repetitive for my taste. Also, the song writing variations do not change up enough. I would have liked to see Ivan really emphasize song writing and deep dark forms in his tunes instead of just playing the (seemingly) same song over and over. I have found enjoyment listening to APOCALYPTIC EMPIRE the 4 or 5 times I heard it before I sat to write this, but something in that last play started to tire me and I realized it was that lack of real songwriting. Don't get me wrong, every track on the CD is super, but overall, I think its sameness flattens the experience a bit. Not too much, but enough to notice. Still, I hope Ivan keeps it up because there are great projects in him that need a bit more time to distil. (review by Jesse)
 Review by Pitchline Zine (España) 2004.
Por el contrario de sus compatriotas Internal Suffering, este grupo cada vez suena más brutal. Se trata de su segundo álbum donde han mejorado considerablemente, teniendo así un hueco para ellos en mi estantería.

Respecto a la música decir que están influenciados con bandas como Brodequin, Pustulated o Internal Suffering . La producción ha mejorado bastante con respecto a la anterior. Esta banda la forma un solo miembro, llamado Iván, el cual lo toca todo y con gran merito. La presentación es muy parecida a la anterior, y para terminar decir que “Deformed King´s Mummificatión “ se compone de 11 trallazos de un buenísimo Brutal Grind Death (gorrino) del planeta.
Ancient Necropsy is a one man band from Colombia. Has this guy insane thoughts and capabilities! Mega brutal sick gore grind. Hammer drums, very low gutteral vokills and raving guitars. Brutal slammers with some melody and tempo breaks. But don't expect fancy songwriting but just some wicked mind twisters. Only for the strong!
This is some fucking fun brutal deathgrind from the bowels of Colombia...and it's only one guy, too! The sound is overall quite similar to Brodequin, with more groovy parts instead of a non-stop brutality assault. Some of the tracks harbor some nice blasts, but the snare (like Brodequin's) can get overwhelming at times. Most of the riffs are chunky and weigh a ton, but some are more melodic; especially the ones that poke out when the drums stop. A good example of this is about 1:45 of the title track, where a tiny little slide or something pops out and makes its unique contribution.
Fucking With An Unholy Witch is one of the cooler songs here. It starts with a groovy double bass part with some nice displays of string bending and the semi-melodic style that this project achievs. The vocals are also very brutal, reminding slightly of Cryptopsy at times. At about 1:19 there's a few little weird guitar moments and some cool little mini-solo wanky stuff that's quite cool.
Overall, buy this if you can find it (I've seen it on Golden Lake's distrib. site,, or download it to give a listen beforehand. It's cool stuff.
 Review by FOBIA ZINE (CZ Republic).
To, že by se kterýkoli podsvětní hudební sdružení z latinský Ameriky věnovalo evropskýmu stylu Death Metalu je stejně pravděpodobný, jako mý milostný dostaveníčko s dvounohou kočkovitou šelmou stříbmýho plátna, živočišně svůdnou Monicou Bellucci. Kolumbijská "one man army" A. N. je toho zářným příkladem. Univerzální všeuměl Ivan Jaramillo (takovej zvrácenej Ferda Mravenec ...) se "napíchnul" na stejnej inspirační zdroj, ze kterýho už dávno před ním čerpali životadámou energii kupř. DEEDS OF FLESH, nebo raný CRYPTOPSY. Základním stavebním materiálem pro jeho "apokalyptický impérium" je zběsilá palba, jíž je podřízeno vše. Hutnej, občas thrashově řezavej, zvuk sladkýho dřeva opatřenýho 6-ti strunama, automat evokující, mlaskavý bicí s činelem ála zvonkohra a takřka neodmyslitelnej přehlubokej, stylově naprosto nesrozumitelnej, sliznatej přednes veršů, o nichž se, možná bláhově, domnívám, že tvořej jakejsi kompaktní celek. Příběh o 15-ti kapitolách, chcete-li. Nutno podotknout, že náš multiinstrumentalista se rozhodně nezdržuje sólama (s čestnou výjimkou "Master of Knowledge"), sype do vás jednu dávku za druhou, rasí ten pomyslnej mašinkvér s hlavní rozpálenou do ruda. Dokud se nespeče lauf, nebo nedojde munice tak nemáte šanci. Z tohohle rychlíku
se dá vystoupit snad jedině pomocí záchranný brzdy na ovládacím panelu fonografu s nápisem "Stop". Měl jsem sto chutí to několikrát udělat. Ani ne z pocitu závratě, jako spíš nudy. Zřejmě nepatřím mezi ty, kdož dokážou ocenit skrytý kvality Ivanova muzicírování vzor "namydlenej blesk" ...
Čas: 34:25
Seznam songů:
Intro: The Chosen One 01:30
Enemies Incineration 02:20
Ghost Of Death Valley 02:43
Malignant Matter's Collapse 02:47
Enthroned At The Apocalyptic Empire 01:59
Ridiculous Preacher 02:29
Fallen Angels Executed 02:52
Cold Mountains Of Death 02:36
Injured By Extrasensorial Communications 02:34
Undethronement Of Inner Power 01:54
Old Man Decrepit Frozen 02:10
Nuclear Winds (The Call Of The Darkness) 01:55
The False Prophet 02:30
Master Of Knowledge 02:57
Blizzard Devastation 01:23
According to the info sheet I got with this CD, Ancient Necropsy`s second album.Deformed King´s Mummification is going to be released by Goregiastic Records in December 2004. But I already have a promo of this album that has the potential to end up high in several year lists.
I am really curious about what Ivan Jaramillo eats everyday. Listening to Ancient Necropsy .Deformed King´s Mummification I suppose that it must be a combination of Colombian spicy food combined with some illegal branded alcohol.
Besides the vocals, Ivan is also responsible for playing all the instruments on this album, just as he was on the debut album of Ancient Necropsy. I must say he did a great job and he`s an excellent skilled musician. Musically the music isn`t easy to listen to at all. Several times I had to listen to this album before it got me. But when it got me, some songs kept on playing in my mind over and over again, especially the amazing killer riff at the beginning of Profaning The Temple Of Bones. Like the early nineties blackmetal was invented in Columbia! But of course Ancient Necropsy isn`t playing blackmetal, but deathmetal in the most brutal way you can imagine. With a song title like "Invoking The Brutal Death Grind Throne" Ivan explains it to us all. "Bend The Head Because You Will Be Beheaded" and the title song of this album "Deformed King`s Mummification (The War Has Begun)" are giving me that real underground deathmetal feeling.
So, if you don` t know what to ask to from Santa, put this album on your list.
Ancient Necropsy – Deformed King`s mummification.
Review by Possesed Magazine (GERMANY). 
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis porttitor. Sed vulputate elementum nisl. Vivamus et mi at arcu mattis iaculis. Nullam posuere tristique tortor. In bibendum. Aenean ornare, nunc eget pretium porttitor, sem est pretium leo, non euismod nulla dui non diam. Pellentesque dictum faucibus leo. Vestibulum ac ante. Sed in est.
 Deformed King´s Mummifcation Review
By Disagreement Zine (Luxembourg)
Anybody who sees that this album was released on Goregiastic knows that the chances are high that we get another Colombian death metal assault. Ancient Necropsy is not a band though, but the project of a guy named Ivan who played all the instruments and also did the artwork for the album. I don't know if the drums are programmed or actually played by Ivan himself, but if the latter is the case, he must have used some heavy triggering.
Deformed King's Mummification is a very extreme death metal album, the ten songs plus intro are hammered down in a short half hour, with the drums setting a serious pace and the grunting vocals giving the music is a true American East Coast sound. The guitars are played with a lot of technical finesse, which should make this album a good investment for friends of music like Dying Fetus, Suffocation and Immolation.
The main problem is the production, with the vocals somehow hovering over the mix, and the constant pressure of speed making it truly hard to enjoy the intelligent guitars the way they deserve. This is still a good album, a bit on the short and fast side maybe, but certainly one that deserves to find its admirers.
Review por BN Fanzine (Colombia). 
Tras una larga espera de 3 largos años, finalmente el sello disquero Mutilated Rec,desató la nueva producción de Ancient Necropsy, banda de la ciudad de Medellín,quea causa de esfuerzo y buen trabajo a sabido ganarse el respeto de la escena brutalcolombiana e internacional aunque el merito se lo lleva por completo "Ivancient" quien essu único miembro y mente creadora, no hay ninguna duda de que este álbum fue el pasológico a seguir después "Deformed King's Mummification" puesto que se nota un gran progreso en lo concerniente a composición de riffs, Ritmos y voces, la mayoría de las temas están compuestos por diferentes Riffs al igual baterías haciendo fácil el disfrute de los 15 tracks que componen el tercer disco de la carrera musical de AN.
 Review by HeadBanger Webzine (RUSSIA).
Оценка: 912.06.2010, Richter
Давайте посмотрим на лицо Ивана Ярамилло – мастермайнда колумбийского проекта Ancient Necropsy – ну ведь папуас папуасом! Однако летом 2005 года этот папуас с удивительным русским именем записал в городе-милионнике Медельин, что в Кордильерах Южной Америки (Андах), культовый для любителей несвежего колумбийского мясца альбом "Apocalyptic Empire". Ивашка совсем не прост, - наваять такую пластиночку сделало бы честь многим бруталлерам. Дело в том, что Иван мало того, что нарулил крутой звук (чёткие звенящие барабаны и сверхмясистые гитары) и сам всё оформил, - он ещё и материал сочинил сильнейший и исполнил его с нечеловеческой интенсивностью и точностью.

Главное в колумбийском мясе, конечно, драмсы. Так вот, с этим у Ивана полный порядок – стучит быстро-быстро, весело, задорно и с огоньком. Свирепейшие бласты и сверхскоростные дроби он щедро сдабривает шикарной тарелочной работой. Назвать вам аналоги? Демон из Coprobaptized Cunthunter! Полагаю, этого достаточно, - вам должно быть понятно, что стучит колумбиец невероятно круто. Но не только барабанными трюками силён этот Ванька, - он и на гитаре играть мастак! Причём нельзя сказать, что он выкаблучивает что-то сверхвиртуозное, - но его игра делает музыку Ancient Necropsy невероятно мелодичной (в хорошем, гетеросексуальном, нешведском смысле) и понятной русскому человеку. Вот вам, например, композиция "Ridiculous Preacher" с зажигательным основным риффом, напоминающим русско-народные плясовые мотивчики – причём, этот казачок-расколбас плавно перетекает в другие ритмические конструкции, так что только диву даёшься, как этот кокаиновый Тарзан так ловко всё увязывает. Видать талант! Не верите? Вот вам песня "Master Of Knowledge", от которой просто невыносимо хочется пуститься скакать вприсядку! Восторг души, - где ещё в брутале вы видели такие хиты? А там ведь ещё и соло есть – длинное и дивно прекрасное! Ну как после этого не причислить Ивана к лику святых? С такими нетленками он просто обязан быть на иконостасе – в самом центре!

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Ancient Necropsy
 Album z 2011 roku, 
czwarta płyta kolumbijskiego mistrza brutalnego 
death metalu. Solidny kawał extremalnej jazdy !
Review by DarkWorld Russia.
Ancient Necropsy - одно из самых неординарных явлений колумбийской брутал-дэт-сцены. Данная формация состоит из одного участника - Ivancient - который проживает в одном из крупнейших городов Колумбии - Медельине.
Образование группы Ancient Necropsy напрямую взаимосвязано с другим брутал-дэт-метал-коллективом, но из Боготы, которым является группа Supporation. Именно эта формация стала первым профессиональным коллективом Ivancient, который был его участником и одним из основателей. Supporation образован в 1994 году, а Ivancient был там гитаристом и басистом, но в конечном итоге данный коллектив перестал удовлетворять его творческие амбиции, причём на тот момент деятельность в Supporation велась не слишком активно и особых успехов не имела.
Данная ситуация стала причиной, что Ivancient в 1998 году самостоятельно организовывает свою брутал-дэт-формацию под названием Asgard, где он был единственным участников и таковым остался по сей день. С того времени он начал сочинять материал, затрагивающий музыкальную и текстуальную сторону творчества. Но вскоре, в 2000 году, он изменил название группы на Ancient Necropsy.
Переезд Ivancient'а в другой город, Медельин, был синхронизирован с его уходом из Supporation, но при этом его отношения с уже бывшими участниками группы остались хорошими. Таким образом, он весь свой творческий потенциал направил на развитие своего проекта Ancient Necropsy, и дебютной работой этого проекта в 2001 году стало демо "Demonstration of Madness and Hate". Данная запись открыла перспективы концертной деятельности, в частности участия на фестивалях. Для проведения концертов в 2002 был приглашён в группу Dying Betus - лидер группы Supporation.
Важнейшим шагом становления Ancient Necropsy стал первый полноформатный альбом "Ancient Necropsy" (2003). На этом вдохновении и на основе накопившихся и новых материалов в 2004 году был создан второй альбом - "Deformed King's Mummification". В это время Ivancient во время проведения гастролей в поддержку данного материала сотрудничал с Maurizio Reyes'ом. В целом данные работы получили положительные отзывы и выделили данную формацию в число ведущих на колумбийской тяжёлой сцене.
Третий альбом, "Apocalyptic Empire", увидел свет в 2007 году, когда Ivancient начал сотрудничать с сессионным ударником David Montoya. Альбом подтвердил раннее заявленное высокое качество брутала от Ancient Necropsy. Коллектив в это время посещает престижные брутал- и дэт-фестивали в Южной Америки, в основном в Колумбии. Скопировано с В 2010 году увидела свет первая и единственная на сегодняшний день компиляция группы "Compilation 2001 - 2010", и она стала прелюдией к новому альбому, вышедшему уже в 2011 году. Четвёртый альбом был удостоен автором названия "Sanctuary Beyond the Infinite..." и так же был тепло воспринят.
Тематика Ancient Necropsy является острой, раскрашенной брутальными сценами, но не лишённой актуальности. Здесь можно увидеть фантастические повествования, связанные с инопланетянами, а также суровые реалии современной Колумбии. Ivancient проливает свет тёмную сторону социально-политическо строя своей родины, затрагивая тему религии, обличая католическую верхушку и религиозный эксплуататорский строй в Колумбии, а также раскрывая тему жестокости, унижений, социального и морального неравенства, что актуально для значительной части общества Колумбии и прочих латиноамериканских стран, но властями эта проблема зачастую скрывается и не разглашается.

 Review by
ANCIENT NECROPSY / deformed king's mummification 2004

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