Ancient Necropsy 2003 [Technical Brutal Death metal album] (Sold out!)

Ancient-Necropsy, cover art work, Skull, Fire, Lightning, Cover artwork of one of the best Colombian death metal albums all times, Colombian popular metal albums

Ancient Necropsy

Ancient Necropsy


The original stories for this album were inspired by many class B movies, horror films, and documentaries about how the old civilizations prepared the deceased for their journey to the afterlife through their rituals, beliefs, and practices.

About the Music: The album Ancient Necropsy (Self-titled) is a re-recording of their previous demo. But all the music was re-structured and re-brutalized. The drums have a lot of blast beats and non-stop double kick drums Inspired by the master Pete Sandoval and other great brutal drummers of the world. The vocals reach an inhuman sound, recreating a prehistoric and chaotic atmosphere.

The Ancient Necropsy´s self-titled album (2003), was one of the best Colombian death metal albums recorded in the early 2000´s. It sold thousands of copies worldwide.

This record contains one of the most popular colombian death metal songs titled: Brutal Grind-Core. and Abducted by a Killer Martian.

 Listen to it on your favorite streaming platform:  


Intro 1:31
Ancient Necropsy 2:47
Mutilated by an Innocent Child 1:56
Fucking With an Unholy Witch From Hell 2:51
Spirits of Hate 4:59
Abducted by a Killer Martian 2:07
Australopithecus Corpse 3:12
Mummified and Rushed to the Space 2:56
Brutal Grind-Core 2:56
Breeding on a Putrid Womb 7:56


 Ancient Necropsy "Ancient Necropsy" credits:
Producer IAJ Entertainment
UPC / EAN Code 198025046650
Genres Metal, Death Metal, GrindCore, Brutal Death Metal, Technical Death Metal
Author IvancientJ
Music and Lyrics IvancientJ
Recorded At Iaj Studios
Date Published June 06, 2003
Cover Artwork Ivan Jaramillo

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